LTT needs to treat Linus like SpaceX treats Musk.
built a wall of yesmen around him to agree to everything he says, and executes none of it.
LTT needs to treat Linus like SpaceX treats Musk.
built a wall of yesmen around him to agree to everything he says, and executes none of it.
I didnt even know computer bluray drives existed.
I’ve never, ever seen one advertised.
edit Several hours later edit/clarification.
I knew about basic bluray drives for like…watching movies and shit on.
I just didnt know they ever created Bluray R or RW drives or media. I’d have bought the fuck out of it if I had known (and it wasnt stupidly priced)
So big mad.
"Im TOOOOOTALLY not a follower of dear leader. I’m a super independent thinker who is just coincidentally pushing the same narrative and spewing baseless hate for the guy Dear Leader wants attacked.*
Sure it is buddy.
Cause Dear Leader can do no wrong.
Just a great big mean ol conspiracy.
I have a funny feeling Luke was the only one willing to talk at Linus behind the scenes to control some of Linus’s worse impulses… and once Luke was gone and having to focus on float plane…
LTT is a shitheel, repeatedly.
LTT gets called out for being a shitheel by different people.
LTT Cries about being a victim of the big mean critics, specifically targeting GN (despite other critics)
LTT fans get big mad at GN for criticizing dear leader, while completely ignoring every other critic (Just like LTT wanted)
LTT successfully, amongst his cultists, frame it as “GN Big Mean at LTT, y u no be fren?” in desperate attempt to make someone other than LTT look like the bad guy… and fails.
Everyone knows it was a Nazi Salute.
Nazi’s just denying it because 1) they are not quite at the point where they can sieg heil while marching down mainstreet just yet and 2) because it amuses them to see the left try to desperately convince them it was a nazi salute.
All your desperate justification, facts, evidence, etc?
It wont make a nazi not a nazi.
but it will amuse them, and exhaust you.
Its time to stop using words against nazis, and go back to using forms are communication that carry a more physical finality to their arguments.
"Guys guys guys, you should totally know those legally binding warranty documents are just as bullshit as a guy on youtube saying just trust me bro. its all the same. Just trust me on it, bro "
Now i know gn kinda started it by mentioning them in the honey lawsuit video, and they shouldnt have, not like how they did ( but they were right that linus should have spoken up in 2017 because they knew what was going on ).
Which was only mentioned because the original investigator, MegaLag, also mentioned LTT as part of the investigation into honey.
Funny how people are rather obessive over ignoring this crucial point, while trying to make Steve seem obsessed with Linus/LTT.
Weird, I’m a complete idiot and I have no problem getting enough from their review videos to understand basics and make informed decisions.
Ah yes, a lovely little trap.
First its all “GamersNexus should just stop acknowledging LTT! So insufferable!”
Then if that happens, it quickly becomes “What, so GamersNexus cant even report on LTT? PFft, so much for integrity and advocacy!”
I mean, he was pretty obviously a cunt for a long time before the whole fiasco with stealing the prototype, then lying about having made it up to the company.
The WAN show is news commentary, that sometimes doesn’t accurately attribute. That’s reason not to watch, but not for claims of plagiarism or stealing.
Commentary is
“And heres a news article from Gamers Nexus insert brief summary of story, brief back and fort, comments and opinions about it. And if you want more info, follow up with the original article at the link below”
And I rarely watch anything from LMG, except for specific videos that are exactly what I’m looking for. I’m not a follower of theirs, but just taking GN word as gospel seems just as dumb
There are literally evidence supported facts, and the fact that you are trying to handwave it away as dumb and as fools taking random empty words as gospel, Kinda really reveals the actual hand you’re trying to play here, and says a lot more about you than anything else.
I was one of them, for a while.
but he got to stupid and insufferable to even hate watch.
GN brings the receipts and can back up any claim they make.
Linus just bitches and moans while being called out on his legitimately bad behavior/thievery/etc,… and hes used to being able to just lean into his cult, that laps up everything he says, and use them to pressure any smaller critic into silence… Don’t work with GN though, lol.
I’m sure there will be a federal giveaway of money for internet providers to expand their networks to rural users to solve this problem…and they totally won’t just keep the money, give ti to executives as bonuses, and refuse to do the work or anyhting.
Because the courts in America have proven how much they care about rule of law and procedure when it comes to rich offenders lately…
LTT fans are in complete meltdown over big mean steve pointing out that Linus seemingly discovered this and stayed completely quiet about it.
Linus seems to had a big hissy fit about the whole subject of Honey on his WAN show, too.
And all of it could have been avoided if google just audited/policed the ads it served. No sane person minds watching a 5-10 second add every 10-20 minutes to support the platform.
But rather than spend money expanding their ad department to audit and police the adds, they are spending gobs and gobs of money trying to force people to see view virus-delivering ads, racist ads, blatant misinformation, etc.
No one wants to be forced to spend 30 minutes watching a pragerU video on how the black man should be grateful for slavery and all the “good” its brought him
But that seems to be the world that google wants.