Neat! I was wondering if it was hand or power tools but it’s both! Do you use a woodburner for the designs?
Neat! I was wondering if it was hand or power tools but it’s both! Do you use a woodburner for the designs?
Oh good, I thought I somehow did a dumb and posted in a wrong thread or something. Cheers!
What? Did I mess something up?
Looks great, been loving your spoons! Mind if I ask your process for making them?
We need another bell lab
Has this user been singling out other users and posting about them? If not, maybe we shouldn’t be singling them out and posting about them.
Either they are a dick, in which case block and move on, or they’re a troll and want this reaction, or they are simple of different opinions then yours, which isn’t grounds for singling them out.
Can’t we just be nice?
Stories like these are why I love the internet. Just a wholesome little memory, made me smile thanks for sharing :)
That’s actually so sweet and wholesome. More kids should hear that one.
How much for just the cuddling? That’s what I’m really missing, I can do the handy myself.