Thanks, I’m looking into it
Thanks, I’m looking into it
Yes I do have fail2ban. Do you mean I could have just (example) a yubikey and no ssh password? As safe as they can be, why remove the other factor?
What’s an ssh key? Nvm I’ll research
Well fail2ban went from very active to very quiet. It is definitely worth not leaving 22 (when opening ssh is a must for different reasons)
Instructions not included, Safety not guaranteed. That’s two separate movies in case the name pattern is confusing
I am not a expert in Linux, and I mostly rely on very strong passwords. I also discovered recently basic stuff like changing the default SSH port. Anyone knows of implementation of 2FA on Linux?
Aaah glad they’re still kicking! This sends me way back…, a time when burning CDs was the thing
There is this mostly French community (second language English) called yunohost (read y u no host) that provides a selfhosting solution accessible for beginners. They even offer one free domain to familiarise yourself hands on (+letsencrypt certificate). I have been using this for two years and it works well, I ran into issues but learned a lot in the process, community and devs are nice and helpful. Based on debian. They package most of the popular applications you’d expect for selfhosting (nextcloud, owncloud, WordPress, drupal and easily a hundred other apps)
I’ve used Yunohost for two years and a half, it is good for me to step up my Linux / cli game while enjoying a fully featured and functional solution. I played a bit with Linux at work decades ago but couldn’t have found the time back then to dig into selfhosting from scratch. It is still a good solution for me, I am also looking at Runtipi for the next setup, that I will install at a family member’s house, mostly for mutual backups. All I read however points to the fact that debian + docker is not far out of my reach. Runtipi seems like a middle step