About 2hrs per job.
About 2hrs per job.
Help friends & family. Donate to community assistance programs. Donate to other causes. Buy people nice gifts.
MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online (game)
You do you. $3500 is hard to argue with. Other person is just jealous.
What’s your price? Mine is probably $750k base. I’m 100% serious.
3x base salary at least. No-thought commute, so maybe provide transportation for me. I currently live what is about 1.5hrs away each way now and there isn’t a public transportation option.
Commute time should count towards my “8 hour work day”. No distracting desk drive bys. Provided breakfast and lunch or an optional lunch stipend or whatever to cover if I go somewhere near the office.
Not sounding great for the company? It isn’t meant to. It would be nearly impossible to get me to go back to the office, as it should be.
I’m not being unreasonable. I am at least twice as productive since working from home and even simple internal reports can prove that. I’m also 2-3x happier and less stressed, nothing can really replace that.
Makes sense. I removed on FB from time to time and most of my posts get 20-30 engagements from close friends.
Anything pro-Palestine gets maybe 1, at best.