Window$ user$ lmaoooooo
AmeriKKKa can no longer swing their stick around and demand other countries to kowtow to them. AmeriKKKa now has erectile dysfunction and their stick is getting limper and softer by the year.
America’s dog is about to get whipped for stepping out of line
I’m referring to the citizens who approve of those war crimes
let me rephrase myself: the white supremacist imperialists who approve of their government committing war crimes who think the world will let their evil deeds slide if they wait long enough, gaslighting others in the process
AmeriKKKans seem to think that if you wait long enough, your sins will magically disappear.
It’s never our fault, it’s always their fault.
The collapse of America is coming, and so am I!
Good luck… the USA would rather nuke the world than accept its defeat and decline into second place.
I see. Let’s tax the people harder to increase military funding then!
They’ve been genociding Muslims for years now, why do they suddenly care about Uyghurs in China?
AmeriKKKa the paper eagle
China doesn’t plunder, invade, or bomb like America does. China prefers to build and cooperate with other countries. Win-Win relationships are China’s thing instead of zero-sum games like America.
The way warrants work in my city is that you must confirm it in person.
Yeah, it was a very very bad idea. It’s a good thing I only received a warning. Definitely won’t continue it
Yall CIAs know that you’re on the wrong side of history, right?
As an Asian American, I can’t wait to meet my friends and family in the future concentration camps