It really is an almost impossible situation. The far right will win this one regardless what the government does. If they do nothing we will probably see some form of terrorism sooner or later, if they clamp down on it they will prove the activists right in that the government will reduce freedom of speech just because some muslims cant behave.
Maybe theres some way to eke out a win but I cant see it.
I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I have a literal pile of dead wired headsets (most were mid quality but two of them were >100$) but not a single one of the 4 wireless headsets ive had since then have died (the first one i bought have admittedly had its battery degraded to where it can only live for an hour or two, but its nearing on 10 years old now).
Not saying you can’t have the opposite experience, but from my point of view last noticably longer at a similar priceclass (and i run them pretty hard both physically and time wise, easily 6-10h/day, with workouts most day). I’ve been running my jabra elite 65t for over 5 years now as my only headset which is the longest i’ve ever had a single headset. Though admittedly i lost my case 1.5 years ago while biking but i managed to find a secondhand case.