TW: loss (not the meme)
I had a cat who just loved the vet. He loved everyone he met, honestly. But the vet (and nurses and stuff) was there to see him, specifically, and he just loved all the attention. Everyone loved him so much. He was so bold and friendly, very much a dog in cat clothing.
He was sick for a long time (CKD dx in 2016, and various other old-and-failing issues I did my best to manage for him), but vet appointments were always fun for mr social. But when he went in for his last appointment July of 2023, he wasn’t friendly or social, he was tired and sad and pained, and it was the only time I’ve ever had to comfort him. And I miss his charming personality.
I had another cat who hated being put in a carrier or, like, dealing with anyone but me… and my vet did house calls so she got the vet to come to her. Thankfully, when she died November of 2023, it was a stroke and she went quick… that was honestly best for her, even though it was super traumatic for me. She would not have done well with multiple appointments or long-term treatments or anything. Overnight hospital stay? lol good fucking luck.
Today, I’m playing the original devil may cry (ps2 via emulation, so smoothed and upscaled). I’m all in on retro/classics this month, as it reminds me of my mid-late teen years, and these enhanced games look pretty good actually.
It’s kinda short, and pretty good overall, but I really can’t recommend it. The controls are absolutely awful; static camera with frequent angle shifts, and character controls that require changing movement direction with every camera angle change, even while fighting, is just… very very bad coming from playing more modern stuff.
If it had a dynamic camera, even a poorly placed or inverted one, the game would be quite good. Instead it’s super frustrating.