“someone said something I don’t understand, they must be pro-Russian”
Flawless logic, kiddo.
“someone said something I don’t understand, they must be pro-Russian”
Flawless logic, kiddo.
They can read the polls and can see that a plurality of voters seem to be against more aid.
Edit: -72 is breddy good, I’m quite impressed at how resistant you guys are. It really IS the reddit experience.
Are you implying that the S in BRICS is somehow entrenched with the BRIC?
The past half century has been moving production out of the west and into China but it’s somehow just bad when it’s Musk?
Come on, this circle jerk is getting more retarded by the day.
Ah yes, the clusterfuck of the 20th century is the lode stone
Also Pripyat isn’t that bad.
Aw jeez his made up record would have fit right into this article?
Who cares he’s still not real.
You Americans are something else. There’s a world outside your little shithole bubble you know.
That guy is about as real as the elections in a Soviet country.
There’s no proof he’s ever even been to Ukraine 😂
Yes yes, we know people don’t understand statistics.
Thanks for helping prove my point.
One might say they’re grinding the term into uselessness.
Increasingly, “tankies” seem to cover any infraction against the approved anti-russian fervor;
What’s religion got to do with what he said?
Of anything, he was praising the achievements of the enemies of catholicism in spite of the ancient schism.
Depends. Does she know about my wife and kids?
omfglol, do I have egg on my face now
I thought you were autistic and my reply was indeed an attempt at spelling it out for a fellow autiste
From time to time people like to try to bring levity and light to their lives by telling jokes. These jokes can make people smile or laugh and are generally considered as a good thing to make peoples lives better and more bearable.
I hope that helps.
Not spy necessarily, but ruthless tool of the Russian system.
Oh that’s why I fell over my kids’ toys. I’m unimportant but it WAS Putin!
Stating an obvious reason that democratically elected officials might have an opinion is pro-Russian.
I guess that elections are also undemocratic?
You’re a loon and I thank you for helping me grow my Blocklist.