They tried to tell me about, but I couldn’t understand anything over the noise…
Hätt ich mal den Link nicht angeklickt…
Als nächsts gibt es Konzentrations Arbeits Deportationslager mit der Begründung, die Länder würden die ja eh nicht zurück nehmen…
It’s not FOSS but take a look at Photosync:
But computer solve problems you wouldn’t have without them.
Thx now I have Need for Speed Underground in my mind
See my other comment, nG-firewall does exactly this and more.
Its not AI but take a look at nG-firewall, it blocks most know unwanted stuff and gets regular updates.:
Ok what big task are you trying to avoid today?
Yep, blaming it on A.I. is just an easy way for corporates to shift the blame to something they can’t control. A.I. is just a tool, the people using it and HOW they use it are responsible for the outcome.
So the higher Ampere doesn’t require thicker cables? Genuinely asking. The higher standards and regulations are absolutely part of why you don’t hear this rule here.
Yep, came here to write the same. We have 240V and not 120V like the US. To power the same appliance in the US you have double the Ampere and therefore higher risk of fire (correct me if I’m wrong)
The rest is already in the other comments
So are bears back on the menu?
They want to do it anyway and just look for excuses to blame others.
Should have stayed with Cortana, at least that was a cool name.
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