Yes, I have never owned anything else. I really struggle to drive auto/CVT, honestly, it’s so confusing for me.
Early 40s. Murica.
Yes, I have never owned anything else. I really struggle to drive auto/CVT, honestly, it’s so confusing for me.
Early 40s. Murica.
You can also gift something like 12 million in your lifetime tax free, so pass on as much as you can, to your family that way, before you die.
If you don’t keep all your money in 1 bank accounts the FDIC insurance will cover it. Iirc it’s either 250k per account, or maybe it was per person, per institution.
Maybe I’m dumb, but if I go buy property in Mexico (for instance) and the government decides to take it, or I stop paying on it, or run out of money, I don’t get any protections for my money. I can’t file for bankruptcy and keep my money safe. I gambled and lost.
Why do non American companies/people have the opportunity to file for bankruptcy as protection in a country they aren’t beholden to the rules of?
It’s location dependent, but LAPD isn’t any better. At least here in SD, the sheriffs that I’ve dealt with have all seemed to want to be good people, and tried to help.
Like I said, I was mostly just curious. I’m in San Diego county. Typically here, you have sheriff everywhere except cities with large enough populations or high enough crime rates to justify an actual police department. IMO all the cities that are sheriff are FAR better than any that have PD to be in/live in.
Genuinely curious. Why does a tiny town even have a police department? Why doesn’t the sheriff handle it with the neighboring towns?
I’m genuinely curious, and I’m not trying to start an argument, but why do you think that OP should pay for the cab ride home? I’m going to assume the woman was not an escort, that she went to OP’s place of her own accord, and was a willing participant. So my questions is why is it seen as the “right thing to do” to give her money to get home?
I ask this as a woman, who would never assume that I didn’t need to figure my own shit out, after a night of partying, because it’s my responsibility. I get it is probably the nice thing to do, maybe, but even then, she theoretically had fun too.
Paying for sex is negotiated ahead of time. Always.
If I had some fun with a random dude, and he asked me for money after (without any discussion beforehand), I’d laugh in his face. Largely because, um what, but also because that’s not my thing.
Frequently rural, old, or old residential are just unmarked streets (typically barely wide enough for 2 cars) with no sidewalks, or bike lanes, at least where I’m from. In CA everything was built around the car, so I’d assume they thought no one would ever need to walk anywhere, since everything is probably miles away, and cars.
Work on/build racecars. Some of it’s very technical, but probably not the type you’re asking about. Also a woman. I’m checking off all the abnormal demographics here. Right?
Hands down one of the worst “feature” of new vehicles IMO. If you need help on a hill, either use the parking brake like everyone else, learn to drive better, or just drive an auto.