•Stop putting your wet iPhone in rice, says Apple. Here’s what to do insteadEnglish
11 months agoWhoa, man. Way too far, there. Just freebase that shit like all the cool 90s kids!
Whoa, man. Way too far, there. Just freebase that shit like all the cool 90s kids!
Also target fixation before hand - you fear but suspect your car will break down so you’re thinking about it frequently. Then it does as suspected. Add confirmation bias on the back end and it seems like your negative target fixation caused the event. Ain’t psychology fun? Imagine what we could accomplish without these well worn ruts in our brains? LOL
Wait - the article you linked clearly says AT&T only, not other services. It also sites an AT&T spokesperson blaming a software upgrade on their network as the cause. So any other outages at other providers would be completely coincidental.