Once our needs are satisfied, then our wants tents to escalate, indeed our wants become our needs.
-Michael Parenti: Reflections on the overthrow of communism
I do feel bad for the people that will suffer under him, but also can’t wait to see the shitshow unfold. Also, will be nice to dunk on my right-wing friends who kept on idolizing him.
Unfortunate that one doesn’t work either, crazy how blatant censorship we have. I wished that people would switch to a better alternative, where blocking isn’t possible, like SimpleX.
That’s some damn good shit. Apparently this channel is banned in my country…
Of course they do; they’ve been doing so since the onset of the genocide. I find it bizarre that people are celebrating all these crimes. When the colonial oppressor blew up all those pagers, many I know celebrated it as a strategic victory; don’t they care about all those innocent lives? They will even like the videos; what’s wrong with them?! I remember when I was growing up, we only had WikiLeaks, which featured such videos, but only the “strange ones” would watch them. Nowadays, this sort of horrific content seems so normalized. We truly live in a dark world…
I noticed this story pass by several times this week, it’s a shameful display of the “justice system”. May he rest in peace.
So much for free speech
And when Russia complains about the blatant discrimination they will act like their nose is bleeding. It’s so annoying to see the west dismantle the little piece of democracy that we have.
Aaah, that’s why. They could have made it a little more clear
Weird graph, I personally found the way or representing that data a little unclear. Why not use a piechart with percentages of the answers.
Also is there a grammar mistake? As in “No, Russia’s claims to Ukraine territory are legitimate…”, shouldn’t that be illegitimate?
Apart from that, it’s nice to see that people don’t fall for the propaganda trap, and still value human life’s.
Aaah yes, the horseshoe bullshit, haven’t heard that for a few weeks. Love your reasoning ❤️
This is why you need a usb with Tails installed.
Liberals be like: “bUt WHat AboUT tHE HoSTAGes?” Ignoring the many Palestinian hostages, and that a ceasefire would help bring the hostages home…
100% facts, now go back to boot licking 😘
Thanks! Here is the link so people won’t have to search for it, you can find it in the 11th paragraph.
Could anyone give me the source he used? Unfortunately I don’t have te time to watch the whole video and can’t find the source in the description or comments.
How badly do they want nuclear war, this is crazy. I really don’t understand why people think this is a good idea. Especially with those fascists, everyone knows that Russia won’t except this.