I like to drill holes in mine, it’s not always safe to do and you should run a bit of water where you intend to drill to stop the dust, but I’ve saved many pots that way
I like to drill holes in mine, it’s not always safe to do and you should run a bit of water where you intend to drill to stop the dust, but I’ve saved many pots that way
Nope, never, except for all the times they do:
Even if you think it’s a weird thing to do you could just choose not to engage, which is advice written in the post you commented on.
Or, maybe it was an overload you weren’t used to. Definetly think the starch is the issue.
Agree with autumn, you really need to try some mosquito dunks down there, it could really help!
Agreed, I’d enjoy an active coffee sub.
It is beyond what you asked, but I learned a lot of my basics watching YouTube videos.
Will do!
I cut my indoor basil and mint plants way back because they were making a mess. I hope they bounce back! This week, I’ll go out looking for a couple pepper plants to try kratky for the first time outdoors. Basically, I make a big nutrient solution in a bucket, I leave the plant’s dirt slightly submerged in the water, and hopefully the plant roots into the nutrients and grows like crazy. I have a small backyard and no hose hookup so I want this to be a simple solution to grow red peppers or poblanos’ as well as a spicy pepper like a jalapeño or Thai chili. Step 1 is finding the seedlings!
I like this guy’s explanation of how to do it! Happy to provide info as well.
I love it, I should do that!
I really encourage it when space is an issue. I have a basil plant that’s been going for about a year, I’ve changed the water twice and that’s it! I reuse peanut butter containers and use cotton balls for a growing medium. Kratky is really easy! I can’t even keep basil in a pot alive, but this guy is great.
I dont have much space or a hose hookup, but I want to try kratky outdoors with some Thai chillis and poblanos. I recently started the plants, and I plan to go to a garden center for starters if they fail. I’m excited!
Kratky is a hydroponic method where you stick plant roots in a mix of water and nutrients, and the plant grows as is! I’ve only done it indoors, so an outdoor grow will a new challenge but a fun one.
This is awesome and so is Cleveland. Excited to see what people can do to build up the east side.
Thanks for the info! I ordered a sundew and I’m very excited for it to arrive.
I agree with the other commenter, I tend to use a cheaper steel bit but drill slow with water running over it. If you need support for the bit, you can put a piece of tape over where you’re drilling. It keeps the bit on target and the hole a bit more stable.