$2 million? Oh no they can’t afford to pay 3 of their YouTubers to shill Honey this month oh dear oh my what a shame
$2 million? Oh no they can’t afford to pay 3 of their YouTubers to shill Honey this month oh dear oh my what a shame
I hate this fucking timeline so goddamn much
Interesting, I haven’t had any issues with things loading with mine, maybe it’s your adlists causing issues? Try disabling some, there might be false positives in there giving you issues
10400F running my NAS/Plex server and raspberry pi 5 running PiHole
I dumped Spooterfy over a year ago now, moved all my liked song library to Tidal. I moved to AntennaPod for podcasts too. I never really make playlists, Tidals mixes are usually pretty good. The daily discovery is leagues above Spotify’s weekly shit that would constantly play songs from artists I had blocked. No Spotify, I do not want to be ear raped by 100 Gecs I told you this!
They pay artists better and it’s been a much better experience. My only issue was I couldn’t easily like songs from the notification bar, but that was added a while ago in an update. It has started playing the same songs frequently lately, but thats not the worst I guess.
Obviously if you care about supporting your artists, buy thier CDs, vinyls (if you’re into that) or buy them digitally on Bandcamp, streaming doesn’t pay as much as direct support.
This reads as an ad but I’m genuinely just a satisfied user. Fuck Spotify.
As someone else here mentioned, Pandora is still a viable option too, hell my mom uses Pandora.
Surprisingly I’m in the US and it’s off by default, at least for now. They’ll toggle it on then claim it was an accident after they make a couple billion dollars.
Username does not check out
Once RiF announced it would shut down due to the API changes I made my account here. I only used Reddit on mobile so just staying on old.reddit wasn’t an option. Tried a few different apps for Lemmy and landed on Sync since I can set it up as close to RiF as I could, but with improvements like sliding to up vote.
It’s a much better place here, and I actually comment more here than I ever did on Reddit due to the toxicity and just getting buried by bot accounts. My account was 12 years old when I left, now I’ve been here over a year and don’t plan on leaving any time soon. You’re stuck with me now
I’m a Halo hoarder collector, and I think I only have 4 of those ugly Pop vinyls. They’re all Halo ones but they don’t have the dark soulless beady little eyes the rest of them do. Two of them were gifts anyway so I didn’t give them much money.
They’re ugly and tacky to me.
Mines nothing special, i5 10400 with 16GB of RAM and a 1050ti for video encoding. System runs TrueNAS Scale for Plex and Immich and has 44TB of drives running through a Dell H310 PERC SAS card. I desperately need more storage but I’ve been lacking the funds for new drives, I’d also need a 5.25" drive bay converter to hold the 2 additional drives I need in this case since all the bays are full, and another SAS card since this one’s used up.
I’d like to move to Jellyfin but from what I’ve read it doesn’t do as well for streaming from outside the network compared to Plex and half the users of my server are outside my network. So it works for now.
Also have a Raspberry Pi 5 running PiHole
Also a buddy 3D printed a fan mount for the H310 to make sure it doesnt overheat when doing file transfers and I slapped a Noctua on it
Removed, obviously. Gotta put that new STARbucks somewhere
Pretty fucked. I’m already weighing my options here now that this has happened. My gf is a Brazilian here on a education visa, will Trump deport her? Maybe. If she goes back to see family during the summer will she be allowed back in? I don’t have much faith she will be. My cousin is trans and in a red state now, he’s very much at risk. My other cousin is queer and also at risk. If my dad wasn’t already dead his disability money will have dried up, not to mention his medications and treatments would’ve been unaffordable more than they already were. Thank fuck I don’t have or want kids so they don’t have to grow up in this shit hole of a country, if there’s even a livable planet left with Trump deregulating and adding to the climate crisis.
We’re about to be bent over the table with no lube
He buys another leather jacket, as a treat
Funny thing is, I don’t own a printer, so when I need documents printed I go to the local library. Their computers run Linux, and of all the times I’ve gone to get a print done it’s been an extremely flawless experience. No fuss, no hassle, just load up the document and print it.
Those goddamn Cloud People launching their attacks on the American way of life! It’s an act of war!
I’ve been doing the FBI Surveillance van one for years. 50 is the 5G band and I have 24 as the 2.4G band.
My gaming desktop has a 5950x, I can run virtual machines and all games just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My Plex server runs an Intel 10400, handles everything I throw at it just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My home theater PC runs a Ryzen 1700 and again, runs just fine. No reason to upgrade.
I think the newest CPU in my house is either my Steam Deck’s APU or the one in my PS5.
Yum, extra microplastics 🤤
I’ve got several flash drives from 2 different brands that are less than 3 years old that are already dying. SanDisk and Lexar, both large brands and they’re already losing reliability. Real shame that the older stuff works longer. I really only need them for making Linux bootable drives and they struggle with that.
I woke up at 7:38 this morning and immediately panicked and jumped out of bed because I was late for work. I clock in at 7:30
It’s Sunday and I don’t work Sundays. My body tricked me. I feel betrayed. Went back to sleep and woke up at 11