Are you … are you going to drown an anime girl?
Are you … are you going to drown an anime girl?
…no. They said “gay woman”. Not “straight woman”
Doesn’t look like the right guy to me
Me personally, a spider roll from a nice sushi restaurant
It looks more like a giraffe with a very short neck
People also shouldn’t sell things to end users before they’ve invented them
I hear the same doesn’t go for contractors
I’m comfortable saying I hate Elon Musk. He’s a petulant man-baby who’s become one of the most problematic stains on the earth
Why isn’t anybody spotting the little bench pressing bug?
How would it work if it’s not that large, though? They could only sell sunlight to people who are within the target radius, but that would be very temporary
I worry that phrase is a little too generic. If it were bannable, I could see kayakers getting in trouble
“Off for a day trip! Gonna float all the way from the river to the sea today!”
Now the question is was this on purpose? Or was it caused by the huge layoffs they did?
I agree with you, but you can also think about it as a one sided battle where youtube keeps shooting themselves in the foot
“Hey, come over here. And when you do, I won’t let you leave”
I knew someone who worked at a really well loved local restaurant. One day a new manager came in and IMMEDIATELY wanted to change the name. According to him, you should change a restaurant’s name every 2 years
Why would you ruin the recognition you already have? He was also planning on changing the name to be the exact same as a business down the street. I think he was an idiot
Hey, I wanted to apologize. I disagree with what you were saying, but that doesn’t give me an excuse to “straw-man” you to hell and avoid understanding what you’re saying. I misunderstood parts of what you were saying and willingly chose to stay ignorant instead of re-reading
I’m sorry
Mike Tyson looked a lot stronger than his opponents. Should he get to compete?
Don’t let JD Vance near that drawer
They’re in the same weight class. Do you want shoulder-width classes as well? Does that fit your snowflake sensibilities?
I’ve said this before. As the child of someone who’s consistently used illicit performance enhancing drugs: this is what happens when you take steroids without estrogen blockers
Your body will notice the significant uptick in testosterone and will try to “offset” it by giving you a proportionate amount of
testosteroneestrogenTo anybody curious why he isn’t big, you still need the exercise to gain any noticeable amount of muscle