That’s the defeatist attitude of a true MCSE scholar.
That’s the defeatist attitude of a true MCSE scholar.
O365 never saved anyone any time ever. But it’s the one solution dumb-fuck IT managers know of and think they understand so that’s what everyone’s going with.
I think it depends on what sensor the camera uses. The x-t5 has a way newer sensor that enables more settings for film recipes.
So cameras with the same x-trans sensor can use the same recipes.
If you’re really lucky, a dead pigeon!
One can dream…
Thank you for the kind words!
This pic was taken in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm. A fairly new area with lots of great architecture mixed in with old classic industrial buildings.
The same argument that’s been parroted by right wing parties here for decades. However it doesn’t really mesh well with reality. Not that right wing parties ever really cared about reality.
For for 65sek (6usd) i get 20 eggs from free-range outdoor hens. At my local grocery store. Maybe you guys can save some money by not bleaching your eggs anymore. It’s a pretty pointless practice anyway.
Funny that you mention it. Not a single reinstall since I switched my homelab to nixOS. That, and using Tailscale has made hosting your own stuff easier than ever. Microsoft and Google environments are just gross, bloated and dependant on the amateurs who still work for those graveyard companies. I spent close to 20 years working professionally on that crap and won’t touch it anymore. Sorry if you’re still stuck in the past.