Waze was israeli first then Google but you got that right.
Waze was israeli first then Google but you got that right.
israeli + Google, can it get any worse?
Im European and the EU can go fuck themselves.
Plenty others to choose from.
No need to cruelly punish 80k people.
The Eglin Airforce bots and drones use that everyday in the nafo Reddit circle jerk.
Not much difference here except for too small and unimportant to have bots and authoritarian banning of non- approved opinions is fairly limited.
manufactured consent does its work already without need for more intervention.
The neolibs don’t murder gay people and don’t decriminalize violence against women as a state policy. LOL where do you get your news from?
That’s the fascist Banderites you support.
no tears for warcriminals
I wouldn’t know what that is.
And restrictive is a euphemism here in this circle jerk of manufactured consent and overcensoring
We’re having all the fun ridiculing all the fash and the lib enablers.
shouldn’t you be beating up anti-genocide protesters while doing the Musk salute?
NATO is a fascist organisation.
You Germs should know that since they incorporated plenty nazis in the organisation.
Not on purpose?
That Baerbock is a horrible warmonger
well that is Bernie’s role.
Act the part full of piss and vinegar and eventually tell you to vote for the fimal corporate dem.
They lick a whole pair of boots
It’s a bit confusing, since nato was always the US protection racket for its vasals who had to buy their crap to assist them every few years when the great policeman of the world decided some poor country needed to be bombed into democracy.
Now the master, impotent on the world stage is cannibalising its own.
As the demon Kissinger said: it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.
It is FACT, aknowledged by the OPCW that it was Georgia who started the war and killed Russian peace keeping troops.
So you’re lying.
As always it is NATO expansion and meddling that caused both conflicts.
You’re 100% right.
OC not appreciated by the regime fanboys
TBF he got elected on the promise of ending the war (most of them here downvoting you have never heard of before) in the east they started against the ethnic Russians who wanted independence from the US installedcoup regime.
And he did try, OC the fanatic Azov fascists wouldn’t hear of it and laughed in his face (on video).
It was more easy since the Russians hadn’t stepped in yet.
This has little to do with the Trump administration, as if that’s a factor.
Unconditional support for the genociders Together with giving money to the military complex, banks, rich people and warmongering. Those are the eternal bipartisan pillars that can never be touched.
All you get to decide is which side executes it.