Opening line of Neuromancer doesn’t make much sense any more "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.”
Opening line of Neuromancer doesn’t make much sense any more "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.”
It’s like a small pitcher with a movable filter, you put in the ground coffee, hit water, stir, wait, push down the filter with the grounds, pour off the coffee with most of the ground staying in the French press.
Like, not dying while trying to go through menus while driving
I’m shocked I had to scroll this far for the first fluxbox/Enlightenment/windowmaker user
Here only those data are available for search that are older than 100 years in case of birth certificates and maybe 50 for deaths. So you would need to know at least your grandparents’ birth data to start…
It depends… Are we speaking about keeping only tall blonde kids? Or aborting a fetus with 95% Down syndrome? Angelman’s? Some other even worse? Stopping a possibility fatal pregnancy? Where do you put the line?
I tried that as well, but for me it was like being 10 again: -you meet the bandits -I, the lvl1 player kill them all -OK -I just remembered my party had a necromancer, raise the corpses -sure thing -I march around with my undead army and murder everyone who is in my way -This game is about creativity and cooperation -Not today -OK
Did you spot the capybara?
As far as I know there would be, it’s just that nobody is using them that way
I don’t mind bashing Musk for a second, but as far as I know China follows a startup mentality with electric cars - the government supports the industry so they can sell cars below their actual price, and once they killed all their competition they can increase.
There’s no fair winning against this policy
But what do you do if that field is needed? A throwaway address won’t work as it’s easy to recreate. Buy your own domain and run a server?
Sure, there are transmitters without Bluetooth. I somehow preferred the SD card, as it would hold a few Gb of music and needed no internet connection. The only downside was if I was driving short trips only for a while, and it stuck with a 20-min long Deep Purple concert track every time :)
I think there was a 99% invisible podcast episode about that, it’s prison inmates. For some never-changed rule they are only allowed music on cassettes, so they are probably the target audience mainly.
Just a few years ago I had an old car with a cassette player/radio, and from time to time I enjoyed the cassette player with some leftover stuff, but in most cases I just used an FM transmitter
And a language model, absolutely unsuited for this task, just as much as a lawnmower or a float needle.
Yeah. Way worse that the cup thing or the Japanese eel stuff or the others. That crap still haunts me
The AdBlock arms race is still going on - would have been more precise
It’s worse than that. Authors actually pay (up to several thousand dollars) to publish, the editors who find referees are doing this as a side job, so probably they’re not exactly overpaid either. Finally you have the anonymous referee, who not only doesn’t get paid, but they get literally zero recognition. Also, papers aren’t printed in journals any more, they are online only, so there’s no printing fee either, there’s only just server hosting costs, paying some people for language editing and final typesetting (in many fields authors must submit LaTeX manuscripts, basically ready for publishing). And profit of course.
The guy with the scat fetish that disappeared the moment his wish started to come true
There’s a hedgehog in the garden. BUT IT’S NOT THEIR ONE!
I think I have my next ready thanks!