broadband? Isn’t this specifically about cable TV, not Internet communication?
Gets carried away in overly rambly rants about unimportant bullshit, uses fancy words without understanding their meaning, has a complete lack of self awareness.
Likes budgies.
broadband? Isn’t this specifically about cable TV, not Internet communication?
a threat that doesn’t pass even the slightest sniff test, any significant raise in prices would leave them open for a competitor to undercut them.
in certain parts of the world they really ingrained in us that roman numerals are the proper way to do it and it’s very hard to shake off, apologies
To paraphrase Churchill “Never was so much owed by so many to a single man”, NTP has been a critical aspect of XXIst century, from making highly complex clusterized systems work reliably to saving you the pain of adjusting the clock in your smartphone. If you have used even a single networked electronic device for a millisecond in your life, you owe the man some thanks.
They are definitely in “I’ll believe it when I see it bro” territory, for sure
oh yeah, psvr1 was my entry headset and it was decent, but I don’t know, that’s another very closed environment. It’s also really unclear how truly on board Sony is with VR at the moment…
it’s so frustrating, I don’t understand how they are unable to do the kindergarten 1+1 logical reasoning that if there’s a somewhat similar question and the person still goes through the effort of posting a new one, it’s likely because the old question is insuficient in one way or another.
Gelsinger was clearly waiting until I sold my shares for a measly profit before revealing his memes were not memes -_-
but seriously now this is really good news we need as many options for stupidly advanced nodes as we can get, we got a taste of what happens when there’s only one great choice in the block during covid and I don’t wanna see that ever again
6 million that’s like me getting fined a couple bucks
that can cause carbon monoxide poisoning
To further your point, I would add Mixer. Msoft gave up on it just months before Twitch made a series of controversial moves that would have been the perfect moment to strike with an alternative.
I think that part of the difference there is also that Apple is really good at marketing their products into “the cool thing to have” and a status symbol, a lot of their products don’t necessarily gain steam based purely on their functionality but more based on their ability to make it the hottest latest thing to have.
Oooof that’s unfortunate, it was the platform for reasonably priced VR systems that weren’t made by Facebook (I refuse to acknowledge their rebrand), even if it wasn’t the best software…
This is basically another step towards a situation in which your only VR options are either high end Valve offerings or buying into the Facebook ecosystem.
Not so nice when it happens to you I guess
Yeah this type of “thing in Reddit happens…” articles have been going on for a long time, ever since it took off. It’s what drove me off traditional media and into reddit in the first place, so many articles were “Redditor does this” “Redditor discovers that” that I eventually was like fuck it why wouldn’t I just go to the source of all of this lol
I can’t believe this this is console warrior-tier shenanigans lmao
Lord of the Rings Conquest without the stupid magic, without the stupid fire effects and with combat that doesn’t suck.
Also Lord of the Rings Total War but you can argue that it sort of exists through mods
Hey, it’s technically an auto-fix troubleshooter thingie included with the OS made by Microsoft!
Well, this is very specific, but the Windows 3D Builder repair tool is probably the best error fixer for 3D printing I have encountered, so at least they got that one right… I couldn’t believe it when I saw it actually worked as intended lol
It’s fascinating in a certain way. Massing dudes armed with the spear, one of the most basic concepts for a weapon possible, remained viable for millenia; but massing tanks and planes, which are marvels of advanced engineering, has been made obsolete in a century. XX and XXI century progress has been absurd.
Wanted Dead
But I don’t agree with the general perception that it is “bad”, because in all the aspects that actually matter for making an action game fun, it was actually really good. It just got blasted for being lacking (admittedly, very lacking) in production value because somehow we are still giving importance to that in the 2020s…