Please don’t vandalise OSM.
By not testing it properly before running it over the whole file system resulting in a few hours of extra work cleaning up the mess I made.
Very true. I used to do magic with xargs when working as a sysadm. Also a good way to mess up on a grand scale. Ask me how I know.
Dropping SepiaSearch here as well. Peertube search.
Clear and concise. Thanks.
The charger is made for the battery, it’s just that the newer batteries have somewhat more capacity. Thanks for all the extra details.
Very easy to understand analogy. Thanks for that. Makes it very clear on how it works. Doesn’t sound like a too small hose should cause problems then?
Good answer and explanation. Thank you.
It’s a power-tools charger that came with the tools. The earlier batteries were 1.5Ah, the newer are 2Ah.
Archive link:
That’s a shame, I still remember mine. Weird how you can remember 7 random digits from 30 years ago…
Isn’t this what the new Freenet aims for? A truly decentralized, but not necessarily anonymous, network?
What’s this weird obsession with measuring everything in anything but metric? How am I supposed to know how much a rhino weighs?
Had they said 1500 - 2500kg it would have been clear as day.
But on a positive note I now know how much a rhino weighs.
I’m using StreetComplete to contribute to OpenStreetmap almost daily.
Does that count?
I’m contributing to openstreetmap because I think there should be a free alternative to Google or Apple maps.
Am I running the risk of having my contributions stolen?
It’s definitely one layer of security. If it’s your only layer then you’re in trouble.
For me it was a rather large tree that I hit at about 100km/h (+60mph).
Tree was fine. Car, not so much. The ambulance ride was nice though, and the first responders thought we were extremely lucky to be alive.
Wear your seat belts kids.
Been there, done that. 0/10. Do not recommend.
I do. I donate as often as I’m allowed, which is about 4 times a year. The only effect I’ve felt is that exercise, especially cardio, is a bit harder. My time on a 5k run dropped noticeably.
Donated 60 times in total so far, which means there’s more of my blood in other people, than in me. By quite a lot.