I think it would just turn harsher punishments for protesting.
I think it would just turn harsher punishments for protesting.
I dont think it works either way, they are pushing us into war with the muslim nations, Russia, and China all at once. Me calling my local rep isnt going to stop their desire for war.
But do you understand how the freeway protest pushes me further away from them, but the one in front of raytheon pulls me closer?
I think news stories or any media is one of the most effective things, but it has to be a sympathetic news story. Holding up business of Ratheon - good news story; holding people in their cars on the freeway - bad news story.
What do you think is an effective protest?
How was that not effective, they got a news story and more news stories when it comes to their court trials?
I am just saying what would be effective and what would make people hostile to their cause. If they set up a line of people in front of one of the weapons manufacturing locations, I think that would be an example of an effective protest.
Again, no I am not taking a side, I am informing on what type of protest would be effective in my opinion.
That makes sense, I would just be mad at them if I was on the freeway. I am personally not very positive on them because they do things that seem pretty shitty on a regular basis.
Dude, I literally havent take a side, I am just telling you what I think works and what doesnt. If you think getting people fighting mad on a freeway is a way to win people over, I would have to disagree.
I can see it would be good if it were done on a smaller road that is visable, but fuck keeping people stuck in their car when they dont have any way around it.
I dont know what you are trying to get at. I think you should realize that getting on freeway and making everyone mad = bad protest; doing a sit-in and getting the harm visable = good protest.
Firstly, getting food is different than literally being imprisoned in your car. Secondly, they could go to a different place and these people are actively attacking them not being victims of their protest.
I would say that this kind of protest just makes people mad at you and your cause. If I was stuck in traffic for X hours I would probably be mad at the protestors and not sympathize with their cause.
Sounds like a big government dream!
You should but let me rephrase it; dont punch people in the street unless they are actually going to threaten you.
That is my takeaway of what you might believe. I do not agree with ghandi in this situation.
So you think that american nazis are going to take over and kill millions of jews?
So then any group harassing people in the streets we should start punching them if we suspect they are part of that group?
I would agree, I want to know so that its not some 4chan in real life thing. Start punching people that allegedly nazis and they will group together stronger and gain sympathy.
Would you think its okay for pro life people to do this on the freeway?