class collaborationist agency I wouldn’t miss seeing go. let the capitalists tear away their own tools of repression in the search for profits
class collaborationist agency I wouldn’t miss seeing go. let the capitalists tear away their own tools of repression in the search for profits
not surprising. the zionist occupation has never once cared about the sovereignty of a country
I would say its in the interest of american workers to vote in trump to further the internal war amongst the capitalists there, divest away from the empire which is eating away at the american economy inside-out, and hopefully create a space to establish more working class organizations and capitalize on revolutionary conditions like january 6th
the social situation in america is quite bad, especially for young white males which is why after 80 year olds 25 to 35 year olds there are most likely to commit suicide, whites are most likely to commit suicide followed by native american women, and men are around 4 times more likely to commit suicide. I don’t feel envious of them in the slightest
I’m not entirely sure howmany of the politicians in america actually believe their propaganda about ukrainian heroes and democracy and stuff and howmany are neocons wishing to deal a blow against russia