I’d say that any jurisdiction that allows an adult to have sex with a child needs a change on its laws.
Found out I’m allergic to a medicine after being administered via IV in one shot, luckily for me I was already at the hospital and the nurses figured out what was happening.
Also in Argentina and others Spanish speaking countries we say “Como Salomón la última gota va al pantalón” it means “Like Solomon the last drop good in the pants”.
That building doesn’t look straight to me.
With prebuilds like this a lot of times you can’t just change the case without also changing the motherboard. Also they could have an angle grinder just laying around. They may even have done it on purpose for the lulz.
As A. Yupanqui said: “Las penas son de nosotros, las vaquitas son ajenas” it roughly translates to: the sorrow is ours, the cows belong to someone else.
This is a beautiful metaphor.
Probably very hard to know given that Musk had to buy the company to find out.
Specially if one is so inconsistent at it.
His point still stands as the image in the thumbnail is as fake as it gets.
That’s exactly what some agent of the simulation would say.
No that’s why I think they should change the law.