That there’s hope for humanity…
Ask me! =)
That there’s hope for humanity…
The same supreme court that saw nothing wrong with the prosecution against him and also found no flaw on the ruling of 12 other judges, somehow decides that jurisdiction was an irrefutable issue and that the whole process would have to start all over again. Yeah, that makes sense…
You came up with your own kind of selection process and you don’t accept it. I can’t argue with that…
By merit I didn’t mean it would be a simple selection process. It would involve many aspects which wouldn’t fit in a comment. Say, merit, competence, academic achievements, career results, the list goes on. You will always have the argument of “and who polices the police” and so on and to that I’d say the selection process would have to be such that it would account for that to mitigate it somehow.
It is an odd relationship. One where only personal interest plays a role. Their job isn’t to “bend” the interpretation of the law to please their executive friend/ally. It’s like expecting the police to arrest only right wing protesters because left wingers are supporters of the current government and therefore get a free pass. That’s not how the judicial system is meant to work. That to me sounds more like another legislative branch with judicial powers and that’s no bueno my friend, no matter how you spin it.
They should be selected by merit via an internal voting process of the higher scorers. This odd relationship between the different brunches of government is what messes up the boundaries each should operate under.
Wanted to add that Lula wasn’t wrongly prosecuted. Our judiciary has been overreaching for a while now and have gone above and beyond to act in their own interest and that of their allies. It was no different with Lula, and it was no different with Bolsonaro who just recently lost his political rights. They both deserved what they got and more but corrupt ministers will keep moving the goalpost (or better yet their interpretation of the law) to please those of their interest.
well, when you use the Catholic Church as your level of reference, you’re setting the bar almost as low as it can get…
The things you mentioned aren’t considered wrong to do even if you’re not child free. I have two kids and still watch obscene movies, have sex with my wife and drink alcohol when I want to. I’m just more careful about how much I do of those things because now I have other people depending on me. When I was CF I also did those things but I only had myself to worry about…
It could have been worse. It could have been named enjoystick…
Please don’t. Seek help. You’re not alone.