Thanks for your reply. That’s the problem though. Is up to ME. I’m nothing special and damaged according to society standards, plus useless, again, according to society. Women don’t want men like me.
Thanks for your reply. That’s the problem though. Is up to ME. I’m nothing special and damaged according to society standards, plus useless, again, according to society. Women don’t want men like me.
Thank you for taking your time answering. Even though I can’t imagine myself changing into all that just to get laid, I want to feel that pleasure, I really do, but I’m antisocial and mostly a NEET. So that isn’t going to happen. Plus I live in the middle of fucking nowhere…
If the world was as prefect and beautiful as how the Louis Armstrong says, people like me would get a chance… But we know how much of a shit hole is, especially for people like me.
Never been in a relationship.
Funnily enough I think that game is very mediocre.
Tinder is completely useless. All apps are.
Oh no, I’m feel arouse and I’m hetero
You’re a what?
Read the edit part…
I can’t afford that I guess.
Well… Fuck
Oh no, I get the whole don’t rush things as a kid…
I’m not, I should had mentioned that before posting I guess. I’m probably about your age.
🤦🏽 I was joking about being the dog… You know… 14 years old. THE DOG.
I’m not. I’m an adult.
Multiply for 2 and you would be closer at my age…
The worst part is that I knew that but a movie I saw messed up my memory
Usa obsession with keeping the 2nd amendment is doing more harm than good. Your obsession with possession of fire arms in general generates problems that I don’t see in other countries, starting for the school shootings…
But no "muh rights, I must gun down anyone invading my home, we do things the muricah way here yeewah, Bald eagle screech! 🦅
Imagine a king fighting his own battle, wouldn’t that be a sight…
I know is an intimate question so I’ll start first. I watch it very frequently, is… The best thing I have going on sex wise so there’s not much I can do about it.
Yeah, sounds nice