If the filthy rich know anything, it’s that quashing one’s personal morals takes money.
I don’t read DMs.
If the filthy rich know anything, it’s that quashing one’s personal morals takes money.
Super glad we put Trump in office so he could make Mexico pay tariffs and bring down food prices. Feels so good to be owning the libs.
/fucking sarcasm
“Utah now has zero reported cavities! We were right to ban fluoride.”
Uh, yeah. About that last part…
I held on to my iPhone 4S as long as I could. Now I have a 12 “mini”. I know I’m in the minority, though, because I don’t spend all day staring at my phone. I do like having all the features, but I use them only occasionally–say, once a week or less. I prefer my internet use on my gaming computer with a big monitor, and a full-size keyboard.
I expect I’ll end up with a huge phone for my next one, that I don’t need, just to keep access to the functionality. Like everything else in life, there’s always compromises to be made.
People can do this job, and better, and cheaper. Anyone who can afford something like this, and I think well into the future, can easily afford a house cleaning service. Also, people don’t record everything they see and everything you say and upload it to corporate servers to be stored forever.
I use StartPage because it does image search, and none of the AI BS.