Yeah, it almost looks like you’d be able to run things faster than natively on windows, which is why I’m suspicious (not that it’s a lie just that the numbers lack context). It doesn’t say what the numbers represent I think?
Yeah, it almost looks like you’d be able to run things faster than natively on windows, which is why I’m suspicious (not that it’s a lie just that the numbers lack context). It doesn’t say what the numbers represent I think?
Even my dad couldn’t convince me to read snowcrash😅 but maybe I’ll find it as an ebook
Nah genetic disorders aren’t mutations, they’re incorrect copies of original traits. I’m not a geneticist so don’t quote me on this, but the reason incest causes problems has nothing to do with mutations as they rarely happen and everything to do with not having enough variation in your own genetics to cover when there’s “data loss”. Again, I’m not a scientist.
I’m really sorry to hear you have that experience that sounds awful, the concept of poor clothes doesn’t exist everywhere though so I’m not really sure what to say, I really wish I could’ve worn whatever I liked at school since I had to wear coats in summer at the cost of my health (my skin kinda sucks ngl) and the uniform they asked us to buy was so expensive and ill fitting. Again, you’ve got a different experience and I respect that.
Not having to hide who you are is a human right, I get where stuff like this is coming from but if there was a rule to hide all symbols of sexualities to protect people it’d become pretty obvious that it’s homophobic. Being able to exist in public shouldn’t require making changes to yourself.
Honestly I thought the distinction was just American but you’re right, I think English uses slight intonation for context on nouns/verbs/prefixes but in a way we don’t always write down or care about.
Thanks man, youve been really helpful, it’s nice to see people putting effort into showing other people stuff
Thanks! I think the carving is ore inaccurate than you think but yeah i considered that wih some of my others
Lol the photo wasn’t attached in the original or some reason
As everyone has said, lossless compression might not have great ratios, but if it’s still worth it I recommend dwarfs as it creates read only mountable filesystems with minimal setup