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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • Yep not only willl the US Chiststained conservatives circle jerk the Saudi’s any time they come calling, They’ll also Blow Netanyahu anytime he needs anything. Two of the worst countries on earth that we should JUST BE DONE WITH entirely…but noooooo. Instead republicans pretend that aiding Ukraine is somehow taking the wrong side. I wish Joe would see through this shit but Neo-libs gonna Neo-lib…fucking idiots.

    That being said… we all know who the worst bastards are… I hate Republicans… I Hate them !!!

  • The attack did not occur because of his nationality, it happened because of his religion, because of his bullshit superstitious religion… ya got that…? The guy could have been a sweedish muslim and I bet you 100% and he’d have attacked for some reason based on Islam…again religion. He Could have been an Egyptian Christian and had a beef for the Romans being the executioners of christ…once again religion.

    It’s Embarrassing for any nationality when this kind of mindless bad behavior happens, but you can stop debating its about anything but that persons own barbaric, irrational dogmas.

  • Herman Goering himself had this to say when questioned by American Psycologist G.M. Gilbert who collected testemonials among the Nazi leaders at Nuremberg.

    “Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship,” Goering reportedly told Gilbert in his cell on the evening of April 18, 1946.

    Gilbert replied: “There is one difference(…) In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare war.”

    To which Goering said: “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

  • This is just another way they can use fascism to subtlety and suddenly usurp democracy, not that there’s any truly left. It’s always the same brain dead battle cry from them…"In the name of ( the children / national security/ saftey…etc.) we’ve got to protect !! " then name any enemy they hate. With Fascism It’s deviantly simple to acheive masses of deluded zombie followers… FEAR…LIES… and SCAPEGOATS. Thankfully DeSantis and Trump hate each other, otherwise who knows…hell they could team up and close the Florida border and Trump could just hide in Florida avoiding any kind of trail While DeSantis declares Florida succeeded from the country. But that wont happen because DeSantis is gonna have his hand out for that sweet federal relief money after the storm passes.

  • That’s the problem with Neo-Liberals in a nutshell Joe, and Obama had the power, charisma, and platform to do MORE…to stand up stronger to these crony, corporate-anarchocapitalist, fascist bastards but they didn’t. That’s why the bloody election will likely go the GOP direction no matter what. The eternal see-saw of reactionary voters who’d rather blame the current guy, with only a fools hope that the next guy they throw their flippant votes at will actually do what they “promise” to. It’s a cycle of history that no one ever learns form.

    Eugene Debs ran for president from prison and lost (unfortunately… I think in his case), but Do we really want to know the answer to the question of how close we could come to actually electing an indicted seditious traitor, who is all but sure to be convicted with the avalanche of incontrovertible evidence that we have against him if the damn trail would hurry up and begin. I should hope not, but something tells me we might get a look at it.

  • People should be paying close attention to when/if he surrenders at the Fulton County Jail tonight. His demeanor will not likely be anything but fully arrogant and defiant as usual. History saw a man like this in Germany Go to Jail also after attempting a coup with the same attitude in 1923, and he wrote Mien Kampf while in prison. Not that i think Trump will spend a minute in a cell, unfortunately.

    TRUMP is emulating EXACTLY the same playbook. Like the other guy he knows his final victory is with roughly half a nation of fascist sympathizers who’ll support him NO MATTER WHAT. It’s time to be honest with yourself and ask where will all of his cronyism and buffoonery lead to in the next 10 years ? We’d better hope were not where Germany ended up in 1933… https://histoire.museeholocauste.ca/data/timelines/gen/images/large/Chart_NaziPartyRise_ENG.jpg.

    It’s Quite possible it won’t even be Trump, but you can be damned sure it’ll be someone inspired by him, There are literally 100’'s of millions of them out there…and the NEXT ONE will be even worse.