I’m always down for a femboy bbq
I’m always down for a femboy bbq
In general yeah, but let’s not blame the farmers. They’re shit on from so many directions it’s wild - they’re often locked into deals with specific companies with contracts that can sometimes cost them more money than they make. Tyson is especially notorious for this, requiring the farmers to build specific chicken houses that the farmer pays for, on land that the farmer pays for to raise chickens they’re only allowed to sell to Tyson, all while Tyson can and regularly does choose not to buy the chickens if they’re not selling enough. Farmers have managed to find themselves indentured servants on their own land.
Actually you meant compliance, security has other random stuff. /s
Don’t worry, next year (assuming it’s not another el ninio) they’ll accept this years temps and use it as proof that the climate change is fake since “it’s colder than last year”.
Saturday night special is my favorite one to bring up to the “fans”. Like I can see how you don’t necessarily get the others, but how anybody can hear “a handgun is made for killing, ain’t no good for nothing else, so why don’t we take our handguns and throw them to the bottom of the sea” and think that this guy is just another good ol boy is beyond me.