Preach. This thing fucking rules. Honestly probably about as - if not more expensive than shampoo in the long run. I use mine daily and things really start to slow down about 1.5 - 2 months after new blades… which are $30.
Preach. This thing fucking rules. Honestly probably about as - if not more expensive than shampoo in the long run. I use mine daily and things really start to slow down about 1.5 - 2 months after new blades… which are $30.
I get headaches because of neck pain. It’s not uncommon at all to have a bad headache, then I crack my neck and the headache vanishes almost instantly. Beautiful feeling. I hate cracking my neck though. It’s more of a compulsion if my head is hurting.
It spills over. I’m bored as fuck all the time and I have lots of musical gear, a gaming pc with a steam library that has 1k games on it, a raspberry pi emulation station with thousands of classic games, a huge kickass TV with 3-4 streaming services at any given time…
I quit reddit like 5 months ago because I was tired of sitting there and bored-scrolling (among bucketloads of other reasons.) Now I bored scroll on YouTube.
It’s like emulation, for example. Your mileage may vary but I know it’s a common issue people have. When you suddenly have every nintendo game to play, it’s not the same. It’s too easy to not be satisfied and think one of the other thousand options can do it. For me it always devolves into jumping from game to game and never having the itch scratched. I think it’s like this across all media.
It would. They’re probably snobby about a brand.