I like to call that the “putting a pillow over its face” method of rebooting. Reserved for when even a shutdown /r /t 0
doesn’t work
I like to call that the “putting a pillow over its face” method of rebooting. Reserved for when even a shutdown /r /t 0
doesn’t work
Universal basic income, return to FDR era tax rates but factoring in current inflation and closing the loopholes, strong antitrust laws with teeth, tying c suite pay structure to a percentage over the lowest paid worker, and any bonus to top levels based on profit must be equally shared with everyone in the company.
Let’s throw in any fines are calculated based on a person’s income for good measure
You mean the three last remaining pieces of Ma Bell after the children mostly combined back together?
So, what Hari does is basically game theory on a massive scale. The larger the group, the less complexity because you’re abstracting the different possible issues individuals would have out of the problem. Instead of making it more complex, it simplifies the whole thing because all the chaotic bits cancel each other out.
And slight spoiler warning for an old story but you find out later that the whole thing isn’t just predicted ahead of time and let loose but a group of people follow along in the shadows to keep the plan on track.
At the time Hari tried to apply it at the small scale, it was impossible. I believe by the time Gaia takes over the science could be applied to the single organism but that also feels like cheating.
The whole point of prelude and forward was that his attempts to start on the smaller scale by going backwards in time was a fools errand and impossible but starting with the relatively small scale of just Trantor was doable as it had sufficient mass to apply the generalized mathematics towards. The variables on the smaller scales were too numerous but as you abstract towards larger bodies, it reduces the complexity to the point it becomes calculable.
Well, not the whole point but still
Psychohistory was designed for large groups. It wasn’t designed for single creatures like butterflies
So uhhhh no one else read Stephen King’s work or the Child Called It series as a kid huh?
I don’t use the drive through because I’m lazy. I use it so I can have the most minimal amount of human contact possible
Nope. Older than the universe. Can’t weasel your way out of this one science boy
It’s a tool to aid in creating a product, not a tool that magics out a finished product. That’s my point. Too many people use it as the latter instead of the former.
Letting a language model do the work of thinking is like building a house and using a circular saw to put nails in. It will do it but you should not trust the results.
It is not Google. It can, will, and has made up facts as long as it fits the format expected
Not at the very least proof reading and fact checking the output is beyond lazy and a terrible use of a tool. Using it to create the end product instead of as a tool to use in creation of an end product are two very different things.
I’m glad you understand my point. Chatgpt is not Google. It’s a language model that will give you something that looks like the thing you asked for it to provide. It can and will pull facts out of its recycle bin if it fits the cadence of what it expects the answer to look like.
I don’t mind the tool itself if you use it as such. I do mind when people use its output as the final product. See: the lawyer who used chatgpt for a legal brief
Corporate culture of prioritizing quarterly growth and profits above all other factors
Excessive reliance on meat based meals
Consumerism is the third leading cause of why we’re boiling ourselves out of a planet
*Except the food industry. No restaurant or bar is dumb enough to drug test. They wouldn’t have any workers
I use raid 0 for backup.