: “But the cool cool sexy Republican internet popular kids will accuse me of being a small pp CUCKOLD! They drew UGLY caricatures of us in 2016 because we weren’t Islamophobic enough!”
: “But the cool cool sexy Republican internet popular kids will accuse me of being a small pp CUCKOLD! They drew UGLY caricatures of us in 2016 because we weren’t Islamophobic enough!”
LMAO, they keep lecturing the working class they need to take one for the team over and over again “for the economy”, but porky refuses to even spend a dime to even expand or upgrade his business, just overclocks more and hopes for the best.
Like hell am I going to be lectured on ‘fiscal sanity’ by a political party that wants the rich to keep bumming off of people who do not have money for their hard-earned money.
“It’s students who are being fed, even if their parents technically make too much to benefit from the program. In other words, Republicans’ opposition to the program is based on the assumption that people being “wrongly” fed at school is tantamount to abusive waste.”
TIL that a middle class family benefiting from the tax dollars they pay for is ‘fraud’. Since the rich pay no taxes, they have no right to tell us what to do with our own tax dollars. Simple as. Plus, it’s FOOD in the US, we grow so much that NOT diverting some of the extra crops to school lunches is pure waste.