I hope the Muskrat chose a site with limited water resources. Without ample water, good luck keeping a data center cool enough to operate at 100%.
I hope the Muskrat chose a site with limited water resources. Without ample water, good luck keeping a data center cool enough to operate at 100%.
The ICC is 100% correct.
Check out the Scandinavian countries, all of them blow away the rest of Europe and they are looking for medical professionals.
The bloody Red Coats or as we call them in German, “Inselaffen.” Tell them Rule Britannia sank long ago and the Polish 303 Squadron saved their asses during WW II. Keep your EU passport too, it’s an excellent insurance policy in case shit goes wrong.
München is not cheap city to reside in nor are the suburbs.
MAGATs are dreaming to copy Vlad’s Russia.
Crazy Americans and their socialism paranoia. If any of you have lived, over a year and not a US military base, in a 1st World EU country, you will realize how a proper healthcare system, education, labor laws, infrastructure, transportation, income distribution, gun laws, government, etc…should work. All of these entities are public services that prevent people from becoming insane and reducing the life is cheap attitude. The USA is no longer number 1, with exception to the defense budget, but well-managed public services and labor laws similar to Finland, would improve life in the USA.
Are they wearing the same lipstick? She must have pissed off a high ranking communist.
How Does Genocide Happen? There’s a thread a few scrolls above this one with the exact question.
The brothers, Isaac and Ishmael, need to end their stupid family feud and make peace.
Zero sympathy and GTFO of Ukraine, which includes Crimea.
Vlad’s Muscovy is f’ed up.
The fucking Russian shill, Greene, should oust herself to Moscow and enter the Duma.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Could be entertaining to watch the MAGATs.
Mango Mussolini lost some votes and those worthless asswipes also lost their legal gun ownership rights too.
Carry on IRS, I would have zero issues using their tax return service. I’m certain the corporate tax return lobbyist are working overtime to prevent this.