He’s doing something he’s not proud of and he can’t control it, so it must be society’s fault.
He’s doing something he’s not proud of and he can’t control it, so it must be society’s fault.
There is definitely mental illness happening here, just not from the LGBTQ+ members.
Americans elected Trump, so of course they’re cool with this kind of behavior. They’ve proven it. Biden is all but free to pardon whoever he damn well pleases at this point. No one will stop Trump from doing it.
I really wish I could help but my experience with Linux is limited to my breaking desktop mode on steam deck from time to time.
My advice is to go through the settings app and just take time to read everything. There are YouTube tutorials made for people trying to make Mac more like windows that will teach you things that even longtime Mac users like myself may not be aware of because we never thought about it.
There’s a console app that lets you put in manual commands not unlike Linux, but my experience with that is very limited.
They’re throwing it everywhere faster than they can figure out what it’s actually good for.
If the kid is below 21, what is such a circumstance defined as?
If a kid calls his teacher a bitch and get sent to the principal, is that censorship?
People will probably think Mario was some kind of god from one of many bizarre pantheons. We worshipped him on our TV sets and movie theaters.
Colloquially, the phrase beg the question also has a separate sense as a synonym for “raise the question” or “prompt the question”.
Well there it is.
That said, I’m glad you shared this as I hadn’t ever thought of it before.
“Ah, see-through masks are okay though.”
They don’t even have to try to start bombing places, it seems.
And then masks become illegal.
Imagine never having to go through “the effort” of just knowing someone.
I’m starting to get a feel for the “society is fucked” crowd.
Edit: I’m leaving this up because y’all are making good points.
Tf does that mean?
Come on over to the fediverse, please, Christian.
It’s also linked to me having an anxiety attack before the day is done. Talking from experience.
they have a monopoly on video game distribution
Last I heard you could buy games from GOG or Epic and install them on a Steam deck produced and subsidized by Valve.
Then why don’t we start writing “threee” or “foooour”?
Maybe seventeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?
No. The progress is actually just no longer having to hire real humans for “creative” work.