I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see Jinjer! Seriously impressive vocals, and absolutley one of my favorite female metal vocalists.
I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see Jinjer! Seriously impressive vocals, and absolutley one of my favorite female metal vocalists.
Funny enough, there’s been studies on Pedophilia that determined:
“pedophiles seek to gain a feeling of power and control” and also “pedophiles lack sexual interest in adults, and find children less intimidating.”
What do most greedy narccissists want? Power. Who are they intimidated by? Critical thinking adults. Something kids lack.
So the greedy - who are obsessed with power - who avoid critically thinking about their poor use of resources - will likely be drawn to pedophilia as a sexual outlet.
Elon Musk comes to mind. For many reasons.
There’s a truly great indie beat-em-up RPG with Brian David Gilbert that just released called: INK INSIDE and it’s on sale for $15.