I really do regularly
I really do regularly
Interesting thought. May be like this
I tried Jellyfin recently and for some reason it doesn’t play any media at all when I disable hardware transcoding, even though my media all is 1080 h264/h265 and I don’t want to scale. On Plex it always seemed like I could just play everything natively, but Jellyfin seems like it always wants to transcode.
Even if I enable transcoding, stuff won’t play nicely because I’m currently on a Pi4 (going to switch in the coming weeks to a proper server), but Plex is fine.
Just as a random side note, circle to search is an aosp/Google feature, rolling out to more and more devices :)
I kinda want to work. (Developer) Or, at least, if I wasn’t working for money, I would be developing stuff in my free time for myself or something.
Ich war da auch erst irritiert, was da jetzt für Abfall ins Essen gesteckt wird. So im Sinne von “Das, was nicht ausgetrunken wurde und mehr”. Aber ja, dann ist mir eingefallen, dass ja bei der Produktion von Bier halt Stoffe über bleiben… wird ja glaube ich bei Fassbrause ähnlich gemacht.