Star Wars Enjoyer

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms, Engineer, Jewish

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019


  • All I’m seeing is people putting themselves into hysterics talking about it on social media, demanding that it has to be staged and his death would be an objectively good thing. And it’s all just people who don’t know what they’re talking about, but refuse to ever shut up.

    The right is going to retaliate for this eventually, but Trump getting off with only a minor injury was the best possible outcome of this. If the injury was serious or fatal, the fascist bandit armies would come out in droves. It would be worse for everyone. Remember a few years ago when the right kept doing terror attacks in progressive spaces? Imagine how much worse that would be if their dear leader was murdered on camera. Liberals really need to stop celebrating the idea of this attempted assassination, all it did was open a door that none of us should want to go through. This is a rallying cry for the right, this is a green light for violence. The far-right will use this event for years to come to justify murders and hate crimes.

  • I won’t discount the possibility that it’s staged, but this one doesn’t ring that bell for me.

    It’s very possible that some liberal with a rifle and a dream thought he’d become a hero. Given the media coverage that Trump gets from the “”“left”“”, it’s most likely that he’s just the victim of someone who lost the mental health battle.

    By all accounts, he had to have been actually injured based on the wound and the blood pattern. More than what a razor blade could do. As well, Trump would’ve needed to make the incision himself. It’s extremely unlikely that he would’ve agreed to do something like this while he’s already leading in the polls and doesn’t need a stunt.

    His reaction is also normal for someone who has just been grazed by a bullet. The first thing our body will do in an extreme situation is fill our brain with adrenaline, numbing pain. It’s well documented that soldiers could be shot more than once in combat before fully realizing what’s happened, this is even more true for grazes. An injury like this won’t be fatal, and won’t cause any long-term damage. His ear will get patched up, and he’ll be back to normal with nothing but a scar and possible mental anguish.

    And I’d like to close with a personal gripe, I’m seeing way too many people who aren’t big into marksmanship not understanding why the shot missed. The head is a target the size of a cantaloupe, and a man like Trump never stops moving. From the noise of the rounds in the footage, I estimate a minimum distance of 150m. That is a damn difficult shot to make, of course it’s going to miss. Then factor in that the shooter took (I counted but could be wrong) three shots. After that first round, it gets significantly harder to keep the rifle on target. The two follow-up shots might as well have been directed at random. Media has made so many people believe that hitting shots like that is easy, but it really isn’t. Please stop with this one.

  • This whole situation feels like copium for the failing CO.

    Like fuck Musk, of course, but at this point it’s hard to ignore that Ukraine’s having a rough time. So Liberals are going to look for anything they can to make excuses, not unlike how Neo-Nazis make excuses for Germany’s failure in WWII, by blaming the weather or pitting the blame for failure on one or two figures.

    Starlink also sucks, it’s genuinely horrid internet. It’s only useful if you’re far from cell signal and you want to access social media or streaming services, and at that, only if you’re willing to accept buffering and snail-slow speeds. It’s not something a military would want to exclusively use for coordination. Ukraine’s military probably has its own internet, and its own secondary lines of communication. Blaming Starlink outages is simply illogical.

  • To be honest, I like that they added tanks to the game. I started playing a little after the tanks update, and the game was fun as hell back then. There weren’t try-hards, there weren’t game breaking mechanics, you only had like 4 nations to choose from (if not only three, I don’t remember how many were there at launch) and generally, the game was just a lot better.

    now there’s a million nations, the same tanks in a lot of the trees, too many BR levels so you’re stuck fighting tanks that are way too powerful for yours because you happen to be nearer the end of the BR range you’re in. And simple fragments of a round that hit feet from your tank can breach your hull and kill your entire crew?! It’s absolute ass, and world of tanks is far from a substitute unlike what some people insist upon it being.

    I would love a tank game that forced you to actually use tank tactics and work with your teammates, and didn’t allow you to use period-inaccurate tanks for “”““balance””“”. But, unfortunately, I haven’t found that yet.

  • is it actually good?

    if you like pouring months of your life into a game where most players use the most toxic methods of getting kills and then shame you for complaining about them, then yes.

    if not? hell the fuck NO

    Genuinely, I commented on a youtuber’s video (wherein he was talking about issues with the BR system, and how it’s not great for new and casual players) that I had limited time to play the game every day, and after doing the math I found that it would take me nearly half a year to unlock the next tank in my tree, even with XP buffs. I got so many replies, including one from the youtuber (then an offhanded mention by the youtuber in a toxic af follow-up video complaining about the casual player base) telling me to just “get good” and “stop whining”.

    Honestly, if you’re not willing to spend your rent money to just buy vehicles, it’s just not enjoyable long term. I played the game every day all day for about three straight months and got seriously burnt out with it, then picked it back up years later and played about an hour every day for about a month, still got dreadfully burnt out.

    I know that some people do genuinely enjoy the game without buying premium, but I just can’t see eye to eye with them. I just think the game’s horrid, pretty much entirely because of the community.