China keeps taxes low by investing directly in businesses instead of shelling out grants and tax breaks. It’s been incredibly effective.
China keeps taxes low by investing directly in businesses instead of shelling out grants and tax breaks. It’s been incredibly effective.
Well I already deleted the app and it’s not available on the app store. So long fake Chinese app. I’m going to a real Chinese app instead.
If all my data is for sale and China can just buy all my data from Meta, Amazon, Google, etc. Then why not just skip the middleman? At least if I give my data directly to the CCP, Zuckerberg won’t have access to it.
I just learned from red note that Chinese people don’t pay property taxes. Once they pay off their mortgage, they just own their home. I’m definitely the one living in a third world country.
Because propaganda is effective.
I used to love that dude, too. I also used to go on Reddit though. Thankfully, I’ve outgrown both.
Crazy, because all of those countries have an awful history of human rights violations that was only stopped when they were forced to at gun point. Many of those countries have had recent human rights violations too. You’ve picked countries that’re currently struggling with racist and sexist tendencies actually. You should read some UN human rights violation reports before you make stupid claims.
Authoritarianism is not equal to capabilities. In fact, the Soviet space program was significantly more capable for a very long time
Looking at their space station, I think China already has overtaken NASA.
Well I think this article and comment section is a clear indication of the power of this information when used for propaganda.
That’s because it’s being applied to Western standards. China spends a crazy amount of money on social welfare and government assistance. Minimum wage is around or less than 2000 Yuan a month around the country, yes. But, that’s completely ignoring currency exchange rates and cost of living.
Cost of living in Shanghai and Beijing are around 4,500 Yuan. Which means a couple or two roommates can live on minimum wage in the biggest cities. Compare that to minimum wage and cost of living in New York City or LA which is $1,280 a month, costing $4,300 and 1,342 a month, costing $5,576 respectively.
Tldr: how much money you make is only relevant when compared to your cost of living. It’s not hard to live in China on $300 a month.
They’re talking about whatever version of capitalism you call the West. At least that’s how it’s worded.
Trump isn’t president yet
It’s just plain old capitalism.
Aren’t most of these companies too big to merge with each other?
It’s starting to sound like they should unionize
Well that’s not suspicious at all.
Chuck Schuldiner. Greatest death metal vocalist to ever live.
I like Pineapple jalapeno and pepperoni, but the magic is the pineapple and jalapeno. It almost creates a whole new flavor and it’s awesome.