Noch schwieriger wirds, wenn die faschisten erstmal an der macht sind!
Noch schwieriger wirds, wenn die faschisten erstmal an der macht sind!
Sure you can run it on low end hardware, but how does the performance (response time for a given prompt) compare to the other models, either local or as a service?
Wäre er bloß mal woanders hin ausgewandert.
Im uebertragen, philosophischen sinne schon.
Seltsam, mein
TeslaNazimobil will einen Arier-Nachweis bevor sich die Tür öffnet
Nein nein, das seht ihr alle falsch. Er wollte nur den Kellner an seinen Tisch winken! /s
Suedkorea ist schlimmer als ein nordkoreaanisches arbeitslager fuer republikfluechtlinge?
In einem Interview meinte ein Nordkoreaner der jetzt in den USA lebt dass er ausgewandert ist, weil der nordkoreanische Geheimdienste in Südkorea aktiv sei und er dort nicht sicher ist.
Doesn’t even register that you created or deleted a file in the explorer window that’s open, instead you have to refresh it with F5 to see the changes, like it’s some sort of web app from the 1990s. Pretty sure older windows explorer versions would update the view when files changed…
Why? At least I don’t have to download and install gigabytes of files for something I might only use once?
I don’t believe that you can use traditional algorithms to teach the car street driving, because there are to many different variations of intersections, traffic signs, special conditions like accidents, heavy Rain or fog, road closures or construction sites to get it right every time. Even if your autopilot is 99% correct and you drive 20000km a year, you still drive wrong 200km of it.
This doesn’t mean that AI will be better, because then you don’t even have a source code to track down where it went wrong to correct it in future updates.
“individual of extraordinary abilities”
No, you are not allowed to lie in immigration application forms, it says so right in the title!
Remove the user generated videos. Only title, videoads and comments allowed.
Probably to map the room and avoid obstacles like Chairs and pets. Low res cameras are probably the cheapest option for hardware.
Websites can absolutely send push notifications.
How to improve online advertising: Step 1: remove all online advertising
They will get dirty very fast, either from dirt thrown around by passing trains, or by the brake dust.
I have yet to see an app that does something a website could not do…
It’s worse if you have large private donors or companies funding your media, see fox news, twitter, Facebook etc. who then contr6what you can see, and what not.