By this metric youtube is not enshittification to some extent. They are a household name and not some weenie startup.
It being ineffective is a necessary part of it, in my opinion.
By this metric youtube is not enshittification to some extent. They are a household name and not some weenie startup.
It being ineffective is a necessary part of it, in my opinion.
I don’t think I do. At least not in the way you do. I guess you mean that they are a means of production and are considered to be kind of fungible. I don’t know how that relates to the post though.
This is stupid - in either system you want scientists and engineers. They need an education. You only are more marketable because employers expect people with degrees to have better critical thinking skills.
That’s some title gore. Thought he escaped at first.
You are not supposed to have relation between the words. This password is vulnerable to a dictionary attack. If you are not a high value target you should still be OK.
Itt: Use Linux Spam. This is not feasible for most users. Not all applicatopns are posted to Linux and some explicitly do not work. In particular for people that play games socially this just does not work. That being said they are unaffected by this change.
To discern if an add blocker is in use you are processing information not essential to your service.
You could, eg. Not start the stream until the add is over if it wasn’t blocked without violating this. In the end whether or not the user uses an add blocker is not relevant to your ability to stream a video.
How is that relevant? Just because some foreign entity has different laws doesn’t mean you cannot have yours. We shouldn’t always repeat us policy as gospel. Just look at their social policy nightmare.
Yeah, bur that’s not newsworthy.
You clearly do not know how the german legislative process works.
You may benefit from a energy efficient fridge. Old appliances can cost a lot of extra energy (or are using AC/Electric Heating, that will cost extra of course).
Depleted uranium is not much different from lead. Heavy metals are unhealthy. It is barely radioactive as it is made from the rather stable uranium isotopes. (Hence depleted)
Pun intended?
You forgot the /s. A lot of humans exist.
Yes, but they are not gaming devices. They are meant to efficiently compute things. When used for that purpose they use little energy compared to other devices doing the same thing.