I drink brass monkey and I rock well
I drink brass monkey and I rock well
It’s only the Gulf of America in the United States lol
The real Picard maneuver
It can also mean ass shit ass piss
He’s going to form the department of paper towel throwing
There goes Sinclair media group, right?
I fully expect them to come up with some kind of insane rationale to try to get around the 22nd amendment and it will come down to a stacked deck supreme court to rule on its constitutionality
It will be fun to watch the Supreme Court justices try their best to distort reality on an amendment specifically designed to handle instances such as this.
It’s going to be a brain melter for sure
I think I might just sell everything I own, quit my job and move somewhere low cost and tropical after November 7, 2028
I wish I had already done it. I just honestly didn’t think America would elect a convicted felon. Even just misspelling the word “potato” used to be a deal breaker
Can’t happen
Congress: A two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate is required
Constitutional convention: Two-thirds of state legislatures must call for a convention
Three-fourths of state legislatures or conventions must ratify the amendment
Each state legislature must vote on the amendment in an up-or-down vote
State legislatures cannot change the language of the amendment
This bill is DOA, it’s just (more) political theater
If anything it’s an admission of the realization that Trump won’t be able to accomplish much of anything in just 4 years at the pace government functions
I know someone who’s getting absolutely TANKED tonight
Worse to Fucked
Fear of retaliation
I’m pretty sure that was the point
My problem was 3-part: the previously mentioned terrible teachers, peer pressure (Everyone hated math), and my own mental block to it after being poisoned against it by so many people
Gee I wonder what the stacked deck is going to decide /s
It’s great when a professor can be inspirational
I had to learn math out of desperation. Unbeknownst to me because I had terrible math teachers, I had a natural talent for math.
It wasn’t until I joined the military after high school that the military discovered my math abilities on the ASVAB and put me in a job that required a lot of math.
Every class for my job had an intense amount of math that gained significant difficulty with each passing grade. It was either pass the class or get reclassed to a guaranteed terrible job not of your choosing.
Grinding out math became my only focus for 10-12 hours a day out of fear of severe penalty
Made me wish I had decent math teachers back in school, I felt like I was operating with a handicap
Isn’t there a TSMC plant in Arizona and the chips act also bolstered Intel as well?