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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Just not very interesting. Most people just don’t show much interest in me beyond work buddy status, and work is pretty much the entirety of my social life. Down-side of moving to a new area. Making friends as an adult is hard, dating doubly so when there’s no one to introduce you to new people.

    But historically the hardest part for me is expressing anything that can’t be back-pedalled into “just meant as a friend, buddy.” The second you cross that line, nothing will ever be the same for better or for worse. I hate committing to that change. Just feels like I’m ruining things irreparably every time. I’ll toe that line all day, crossing is just a bitch.

  • Lmao apple is the same company that points their heat sink fans at the glue that holds the entire MacBook together. Do some deep dives on their hardware. You only get what you pay for if you pay for the logo, which is the case for most Apple users.

    I’ve had Mac, I’ve had Windows, and I still prefer present day enshittified fucking Microsoft. Apple only “pays off” if you utilize their entire connectivity suite which, spoiler alert, is just as bad an idea as Google-ifying your entire life except it’s also more expensive. MacBook + iPhone + Apple Music + Apple Video + iCloud is the ecosystem they want you to live in, and they put in a ton of effort to make that the only viable option if you use their products. Everything is proprietary, and they control the prices. You think that laptop charger on their site is worth $100? It is to you, because you need it to charge your shit and theyre the only ones who sell them. Any other machine would have the same hardware for $20-$50. People who buy Apple products are a) power users whose idea of computer capabilities is about 15 years old and b) people who buy Apple because everyone else has them. Better products exist. If you think your manufacturer of choice is the objective best at everything it does, you need to stop drinking the Flavor-Aid. I don’t care what manufacturer, but Apple is the worst offender by far of this.

    Cut the umbilical cord. Free yourself.

  • As someone who just tried to get a hotel near a concert, it won’t work like that. The hotels know there is a show in town and price accordingly. When I tried, rooms that were typically $75-$150 per night were at $400-$1000 per night. I’m talking Hilton and Marriot all the way to econolodge and motel 6, all raised their prices by 5-10x. Anything I found that was decent was an advertisement for a general price. Then you try to reserve and they say “Oh you wanted it for THOSE nights? The price is $700 a night for those nights.” Even though I clicked on $125 a night search results. This was 8 months before my stay, within a week of the concert being announced.

    Ended up renting an RV for 4 days and parking it at a cheap rv place. Still cost over a grand after everything.

    The rates you mention are… ridiculously foreign to me. I cannot even conceive only dropping half a grand and having somewhere to sleep for a whole week. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but not near me for damn sure.

  • Humanity cannot and will not change its practices fast enough to avoid running out of resources we keep ourselves dependent on because it’s “profitable.” We are a doomed species and won’t be around for very much longer. We are likely living in the flash of bright before the long dark. I don’t think the world my grandchildren live in will be remotely like the one we have now.

    I’m perfectly fine hedging my bets and living life normally, but I think our longevity is an uncomfortable truth most people don’t want to face.