Can AI do proper debugging and troubleshooting? That’s when I’ll start to get worried
Can AI do proper debugging and troubleshooting? That’s when I’ll start to get worried
Password managers. People will use anything but that: paper, notes app (without any security), using the same password everywhere…
Did you just assume my distro?
For the record, I use Debian
People still use Ubuntu?
Isn’t it too early for another pandemic? Like, a century too early?
Technically, yes… but if it’s in movie/show, you already know it’s fiction
OK, I’ve actually watched the video this time (the last part, as you suggested). It seems that the author decided to leave out the debate about the Hubble constant and talk about other phenomena in the early universe, which also have their uncertainties.
As far as I can tell, the Hubble tension is still a thing, and JWST only confirmed the measurements of the Hubble telescope. See for example this recent article on ars technica.
For what I can tell, after the clickbaits and the sensationalisms, there is an actual unexplained discrepancy in the values of the Hubble constant measured with different methods. This means that something is not right in one of the methods (perhaps both), or that we are missing something else.
And yes, the Hubble constant is closely related to the age of the universe, so it’s basically the same issue.
This is actually a good thing, because the “crisis” can be the first clue to discovering some new exciting science! Just look at how the “ultraviolet catastrophe” kickstarted the field of quantum mechanics a century ago
From my experience, people this noisy are unlikely to be cooperative about it. Or anything else
It’s a very bright black, obviously. Duh
Well, the guy is trying nonetheless
If you want a TLDR: every time dating apps work, they lose two customers, and they don’t want that
I use a password manager and the database is automatically synchronized to multiple devices. I use syncthing for that, but a public cloud would be fine as well, because it’s encrypted (well, as long as the master password is strong enough)
I’ve got a fast connection so I don’t have to wait 🎶
ncdu: shows how much disk space is used by each directory, can also explore subdirectories and delete files
tig: interactive terminal UI for git with lots of functionality
This could also be done to the RAM filling up and/or high I/O activity of the disk. I suggest to investigate these possibilies as well
Microsoft: we don’t do that here
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