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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • The apps is definitely a part of it for me. One if my friends got YouTube Premium, and since he has 3 profiles he can attach to it, hrs letting me use it. It’s nice for the ad free videos on my TV. But it also comes with YouTube Music. It’s honestly kind of annoying at times.

    Like yesterday I wanted to listen to an album by a band, and they only have like 2 of 3 albums. The one I wanted to listen to is the one they didn’t have. So I had to make a Playlist by finding videos of the songs.

    And thats for a band that’s not super underground. I listen to a lot of grindcore and black metal, and a lot of that isn’t even on there.

    And when you download things, you can only have it organized by albums. I can’t organize it by band and then have all the albums.

    It’s also sometimes slow to load up stuff I’ve downloaded.

    Over all its not the greatest experience. I’m currently looking at getting a mobile game device for my emulators so I can free up space on my phone, and then I’m thinking about just going back to having all the music on files on there and using an music player app. And like you said, I can have it organized how I want and customize things a bit more. Especially since I no longer have Comcast, so I can use Soulseek again.

  • I feel like anytime I’ve ever taken a class to learn how to use Word, it’s been one of two things.

    First is essentially how we will use Word. It’s a note pad with a few extra things for editing text, but the main thing is headers, footers, and the margin sizes.

    Second is nothing I will ever use. When I was going to school for accounting I had to take a class on Windows programs, and we spent so much time learning how to post images, how to edit them, and shit like that. By the end of the class I could probably make a profesional looking flyer, but it would have taken half the time with any image editing type program.

    Also in that class we had a free students version of Word, which meant that there were usually steps in the homework we couldn’t do, but we still got points docked for it. Even though we all told the professor about this. So that was fun.

  • I also jump around with this. Like I would definitely read more. But there’s a part of me that would love to write books. But also male music. But also paint. Basically I would do something in the realm of art.

    I wouldn’t mind having a part time job doing something physical. Like I used to work at a warehouse for a medical supplies company. It was probably one of my favorite jobs. I could see myself doing that again. Gives me a reason to get out of the house, be active, and people will always need the supplies. Ironically I lost the job because we got bought out by one of the world’s largest corporations so they could make even more money, and they closed us down. So I lost that job because of capitalism.

  • One of my old roommates did it. I work in patient transportation at the hospital, and two of my coworkers did it. All of them have talked about terrible the job was. And not even because of the things people think would be terrible. Like bed pans aren’t fun. But its part of the job.

    But they’re understaffed, the managers suck because they’re all only interested in money, so they get mentally abused by the higher ups, they have to work over time to get things done so people don’t die but then get yelled at for working over time, etc. And all you said, it’s for shit pay. I don’t blame anyone for leaving those jobs. And it’s sad, because ultimately it’s the elderly who suffer from all of this.

  • So if the problem is people excluding others because that person practices a different religion, then the problem isn’t the person practicing the religion, it’s the fuck sticks excluding them.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of religion. I’m fairly anti-theistic. Especially for the Abraham’s religion. And out of the three, especially Islam. I am also against the religion telling women how to dress for the reasons they do.

    But I don’t think this should be the schools decision. I don’t think they should tell kids they can’t dress a certain way based on the fact that it’s religious. If a kid wants to wear a cross necklace or a shirt that says something about Jesus, cool. A Yamaha? That’s fine. I might not personally be for it, and think it’d weird for kids, but also I don’t think that’s for me or the school to decide.

    Just as I’m against the authoritarian religion telling these girls what to wear

    I’m also against an authoritarian government doing the same.

    “But secularism!”

    Secularism doesn’t necesarily mean keeping religion out of everyone’s life. Just out of the government and school. Teachers shouldn’t preach it. Laws shouldn’t be mandated around it. But that doesn’t mean no one gets to practice it in anyway shape or form. It just means they don’t have any say I no the system based on their religion.

    And banning something because it’s also worn by fundamentalist makes it sound even dumber. I was raised Mormon. They wear a lot of things people wear on a lot of occasions. I wouldn’t say to ban those types of clothing because the Mormons wear them. That’s fucking stupid. No more long sleeve shirts? How about blouses? If a woman happens to like those, too bad apperantly. Fundamentalists also wear them, so now they’re no longer allowed.

    “We are banning all religious clothing, but also all clothing worn by religious people.”

  • That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in these entire comments

    Edit: Since I’ve got almost nothing going on at work, let me try and explain my point of view. It might be hard to follow an adult conversation, but maybe try.

    They are not banning this for any moral reason about misogyny. To champion it for that reason is dumb because that’s not what’s happening. I’m personally a fan of talking about things happening as they are happening. We are not seeing France fight Islam and the way they oppress women. It’s them saying people can’t wear religious things. This includes things like a cross necklace, or a yamaka. Personally, I am agaisnt this. I don’t think it should be the schools decision on things like that. Secularism in a system doesn’t have to be against these things. It just means the rules are written without influence from them. I don’t think religious clothes hurt peope simply for being religious. I don’t get offended if someone wears a cross necklace or something like that.

    But this also means it’s not them fighting for women. It’s just them being against religious articles of clothing over all

    “So you’re pro women being forced to wear it?!”

    No. I’m actually pretty anti-theistic. More so with the Abraham’s religions. I was actually raised Mormon, and while not as extreme as Islam, they do have very similar views on modesty with women that they don’t extent anywhere near to the same extent with men. So I have seen the harm things like this cause. And I agree that it is a choice, but also not really since they are taught this is the way to live and to not do so makes you a terrible person. That if they don’t cover their porn shoulders they’re gonna get pregnant and have STDs. Shit like that fucks with women.

    However, I don’t think it’s the schools job to do that. I can understand and agree with head coverings. But if it’s just the dress, then no.

    There’s also the aspect that, as others have pointed out, it’s not just religious. It’s also cultural. If you grow up in those regions, even if you’re not Islamic, you would likely still wear one. Because it’s just a part of their culture. Just like how jeans and t-shirts are fairly common in the US. I lived in Florida, and flip flops were fairly common. Moved up north, and not so much. Different cultures have certain types of clothing that are fairly common. It doesn’t have to be religious. So in that aspect I think it’s also a oversight in that some might not be wearing it for cultural reasons so much as it’s just what they wear.

    None of this means I support misogyny. I just don’t beleive in an oppressive government doing things like this. If they don’t like it, then they should implement a law where students wear a uniform.

  • Except that this is supposedly don’t because it’s seen as a religious thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m against Islamic people forcing women to wear certain things. It is oppressive. But that’s not what this is. They are seeing it as a religious piece of clothing, and banning it for being a religious piece of clothing. And it’s not even strictly a religious piece of clothing.

    It’s also just the dress. We aren’t talking about any sort of head or face covering. But the dress.

    There’s a few layers to this, but none of it is “France is fighting against Islamic misogyny”