I would add: teaching that romantic relationships are not the end all and be all of life.
I feel like this is part of the problem, because it creates misogyny, incels and depression when people have their entire self-worth wrapped up in another person liking them. Any person. All of our media pushes this message, especially to young people. I was a serial monogamist all my life until several years ago. I’ve been more productive and accomplished and more in touch with who I am than I’ve ever been. I don’t have the need fpr another person in my life, and that’s how it should be. A partner should be an addition to a person and a life that is already functional. I can’t help but notice now how every. single. song, movie, show, book, etc. is not just about romance, but about another person making someone’s life worth living. It’s fucked up and we need to teach kids that they are enough, by themselves, and that being in a relationship is a choice. It’s not mandatory.
If it’s at all profitable it will end up being companies making up a bunch of new personas eventually. That might be good in that it’s more jobs per “influencer,” but also maybe lower paying.
Although I’m pretty sure this already happened with fake Instagram models and I don’t think it ever really went anywhere. It was just a novel thing for awhile.