Not really AAA at all, no.
Not really AAA at all, no.
Smart TVs are designed to surveil you, a media center PC can be used however you want. Flash Linux and run Jellyfin and torrent everything through a VPN, then nothing can track you.
Yep, it was my personal, password-protected network. Either someone reconnected it (unlikely, I live with my gf who doesn’t use the TV) or it just cached the password until it decided to spy on my again 🙃
I have definitely had to forget networks, then have them connect to that network weeks later at random, then having to forget the network again. Don’t know how that’s legal.
Do not connect your Smart TVs to network people, seriously. Just a bad idea. Use a media center PC or some other device that allows you to stream content, and make sure the TV itself is just a big monitor, nothing more.
And when you point that out to the AI, those code snippets get replaced with even more spaghetti that is maybe 1% closer to actually working, at best. Been there!
When you gotta tape 'em together that should be the signal that they need to be retired lol
That setup is cursed and I wouldn’t recommend it for Linux gaming personally
Start organized movements to heavily push for ranked choice voting. If it becomes a national movement then maybe we’ll first start seeing it locally, then on a larger scale.
If you’re Italian and therefore demonic then maybe (/s)
It’s almonds imo
That was actually a shooting star. My phone places emphasis on them.
I love how their posts are either boiler-plate conservatism or deranged conspiracies and cultish behavior, with no in between.
Yes because there are more options than just president, and increasing voter turnout is always advantageous to the left. There are more Democrats than Republicans in America, so 100% voter turnout means no more fascists in office.
Because Trump is very deeply popular with a huge voter block. Going against him means he’ll just point those people at you and say “this guy’s bad, also probably a pedophile or some shit idk” and then your career is over.
I was more thinking any and all forms if sex work, however you want to transpose their equivalents in a post-scarcity society.
I don’t agree, I think it’s possible to compartmentalize certain sexual activities as not romantic and also not obligation-based, while still being fulfilling and work-related in a post-scarcity society. Like helping clients overcome sexual insecurity or barriers with sex surrogacy, for instance.
Other commenter is right, I was thinking more things like creating pornography or sex surrogacy, things that people would find fulfilling and choose to do irrespective of what incentives may or may not be on offer, and would qualify as more traditional “work”.
For those saying they didn’t know about this, it’s because they never actually released anything. They got shut down unexpectedly before they finished any projects. Allegedly there are still some in-development games based on Netflix properties that will still be released on their gaming service, and the service itself will stay up. It’s just the studio itself that was shut down.