Oh cool, now we can namedrop Schrödinger into this to give an even more educated impression.
Oh cool, now we can namedrop Schrödinger into this to give an even more educated impression.
While specific platforms haven’t been named in the law, the rules are expected to apply to the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, per the Prime Minister. Sites used for education, including YouTube, would be exempt, as are messaging apps like WhatsApp.
I think they meant twitter is worse than reddit and hope we don’t get an influx of twitter users.
Transport und Haltbarkeit dürften leider wesentlich schlechter sein, da es gekühlt geliefert wird.
Aber bin gespannt, ob wir es auch bald in Läden sehen, vom Geschmack her klingt’s ja schon vielversprechend (schmeckt ungewürzt, “herzhaft-nussig”).