I feel like he’s know for this shit like aliens colonial Marines
The 3rd person warhammer game from the Xbox 360 was pretty good. The first person space hulk is fun if you get it for under $10
That judge just wants to get on their lobbyist payroll
How is this technology. Cause some hack fuck said something about another hack fuck?
Zip disk sounds right I saw one working on a machine when I had to reinstall windows NT off of 3 floppy’s. Then had to replace the hard drive with a compact flash cause I needed it to be 4gb to recognize. Lotta niche things that are still around that work perfectly well if 30 years out of date
Shits crazy I can still buy compact flash cards, and zip cards
Good thing I already like digitizing my media for Plex
And this is why I’m using Plex more
Some NASA guys should spray paint Pooh bear on it
This kinda looks like geriatric bachelorette
Man Winnie the Pooh looks so out of place in that pic
Gotta maximize those scam centers uptime!