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I assume each of your towers covers building one item (like module frames)?
Sort of. Modular Frames do indeed get their own building. In addition, there’s a Smeltery building, a Constructory building, and a building for the other two Assembler products: Advanced Iron Plate and Encased Industrial Beam. Also, of course, the building I just built, for Heavy Modular Frames.
Do you have the structures themselves as blue prints, or do you build them by hand?
In this case, I did blueprint most of the structural stuff. The machines and all were done by hand.
I imagine console players will hit the performance ceiling for megafactories way sooner than PC players, but the game runs in Unreal Engine 5, and there’s plenty of games on console doing the same.
Behold the power of the Dimensional Depot.
This whole plant is tuned to be evenly overclockable, so yeah, expansion would mean needing more generators.
Yeah, I’m still undecided on what I’m doing to do abiut rocket and/or ionized fuel. I sure as hell don’t like the prospect of retrofitting this facility, but do I REALLY need them enough to build a whole new one? Maybe I could make a smaller one, built on a Normal node of Crude Oil, rather than Pure?
These days, replace “Documents” and “Downloads” with “the root folder of OneDrive”.
As in, how it actually illuminates nearby objects?
It took some custom configuration of the Lumen engine, to try and approximate what it used to be, pre-1.0.
It has indeed been pushed and advertised by TikTok. Or at least, within TikTok.
Wait, I’m supposed to be doing my home improvements?
It’s fraud. They publicly claimed, point-blank, to do a certain thing for years, and were instead doing the opposite, in the interest of making more money. The affiliate link thing is only one of several points that they’re suing over. The far more egregious one is that they don’t actually “scour the internet to find you the best coupons” They will actively hide better coupons that they know about, if marketplaces pay them to, and still tell you in the browser “this is the best coupon.”
A very large portion (maybe not quite a majority) of software developers are not very good at their jobs. Just good enough to get by.
And that is entirely okay! Applies to most jobs, honestly. But there is really NO appropriate way to express that to a coworker.
I’ve seen way too much “just keep trying random things without really knowing what you’re doing, and hope you eventually stumble into something that works” attitude from coworkers.
The two models, […] each offer a minimum of 3TB per disk
Huh? The hell is this supposed to mean? Are they talking about the internal platters?
I meeeeeeean… this seems like a question they SHOULD be asking. No, it’s not sustainable as a for-profit business, which is why they should get out of the business and leave it to non-profits and state institutions.
What DOES the new scanner do with its scan output, then?
A backpack that MIGHT have belonged to the suspect, even.
He alluded to it in the first video, and I think it’s spot on.
They ended up with an “inventory problem”. Which is to say, some business major in the company somewhere, or a consultant or whatever saw that they were spending money to store it all, and said “A company’s assets should never cost money, they should MAKE money” or some such business speak. Ultimately that translated into every layer of the business being instructed to prioritize using that that old inventory, somehow, or pushing it to customers.
“People don’t really want to buy all this older hardware off of us, but we can convince people who don’t know any better to rent it.”
“We don’t have enough 4090s to keep up with demand for these high-end rentals, but we’re sure as hell not buying more when we have all these perfectly-good 4080s lying around.”
I can’t think of any time I’ve felt lile being left-handed is an advantage.
A little off-topic: anyone else read this as “BCA Chefs”, initially?
Recall elections are a thing, are they not?