I love Joe. And even though its last update was a while ago, it’s still my preferred editor.
I hear those things are awfully loud.
If it’s replies to a post of mine I upvote virtually everything. If something is so incorrect is borderline misinformation or so off topic that there’s no connection to the thread, I downvote. If it’s really insightful that I think more people should read it, I upvote.
Like these goldfish won’t turn right back around at the drop of the hat.
(https://i.imgflip.com/1fmxhp.jpg)[this is a picture of the guy from the history channel who suggests aliens for any ancient technology, suggesting that the skull is an alien.]
We need you to go to the store and get two quarts of elbow grease… and, uh, pick up some… headlight fluid for the Puma too.